Day 4 | The Gift of Story

Today I am thankful for the way that God uses stories.

So, we've got the Bible, full of stories (which is really one big story), and in that story God is constantly reminding Israel of their story: How He loved them and brought them out of captivity, cared for them through the desert, provided for them. Their story where God has demonstrated love, grace and long-suffering in place of wrath and just judgment. Their story reminded them of who they were, the people of God!

Ezekiel 16 presents a really intense picture of God's love for Israel. He cares for Israel which has been rejected, abused, refused and discarded. He lavishes love and provision. Israel repays this with sin and rebellion, but still God is faithful to restore. Eventually, God's promise and faithfulness comes with the arrival of Christ.

He really is a wonderful story teller, the Great Story Teller who not only wove together the Story of Israel and the Bible that culminates in the birth, life, death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ, but weaves together all stories into that Story. Your story is part of His grand story of loving the rejected and broken people of this world, despite their sin. His grace and mercy are greater still. He forgives sinners and brings them into His kingdom by clothing us in Christ's righteousness and makes us family, a holy nation!

Today, I was able to share my life story with two different women whom God has brought into my life. As I went through my life story, I was encouraged and reminded of who I am! I was reminded that I belong to the Lord and that I am His and He is mine. I was reminded time and time again how He has proved He is faithful, how He has provided for me and answered me and loved me. Our stories are powerful things and they allow us to express the beauty and strength of His character. We are able to see His sovereignty and how He truly is working all things together for our good and His glory!

So today, I am thankful that He wove my story together with so many people and brought me here. What a crazy trip its been, but He is good. He is faithful. He is an excellent story teller.
