I'm writing this because over that last few weeks I just keep hearing about all these people giving up on what they set out to do because they don't think it will happen.
I guess I shouldn't write when I am upset, but I cannot imagine giving up on something I've been so enthused about. Something that has taken up so much of my time and brain power.
We have so much to live for, but we put up these blocks for ourselves, saying we're not good enough, or we don't have the means or some other lie. We deceive ourselves out of our self-worth. We settle for comfortable and safe.
There is so much more in life than comfortable and safe! Imagine if your life was a novel, and you obviously were the main character. If you were you, reading the novel about your life, would you be encouraging the character to do what you're doing, or would you dare them to do something else?
Personally, I would be bored to tears if my character did what I naturally want to do: stay inside, read books, play video games. But we have to look beyond what we naturally want to do. We have to look at what we truly desire. What scares us a bit, what makes for a good story. Because whether we get to tell the story or not, it's something to experience, it's something to shape us. There are so many opportunities, it just takes putting ourselves out there and trying something new, something scary.
I don't want to be old and realize all of my hopes and dreams were never realized. I want to have lived so much that when I'm old I feel accomplished and tired. I want to experience everything the world has to offer. I want to live a life worth reading about.
If you're curious to know my goals, let me share some with you:
-to take care of the planet
-to take care of the poor, hurt, dying
-to love and take care of my friends and family
-to thirst after righteousness ("the way it should be"ness)
-to grow in my knowledge of people, places and ideas
-to earn my degree in photography, marine biology
-to go to seminary
-to work at a movie studio
-to own my own store
-to get married
-to love being outside
-to hike and explore
-to canoe and kayak
-to rock climb
-to have children
-to be happy
-to be adventurous
-to be excited for each new day, and savor the one I'm in
-to appreciate beauty
This isn't some bucket list that I'm making when death seems imminent, this is way to live my whole life from start to finish.
I guess I shouldn't write when I am upset, but I cannot imagine giving up on something I've been so enthused about. Something that has taken up so much of my time and brain power.
We have so much to live for, but we put up these blocks for ourselves, saying we're not good enough, or we don't have the means or some other lie. We deceive ourselves out of our self-worth. We settle for comfortable and safe.
There is so much more in life than comfortable and safe! Imagine if your life was a novel, and you obviously were the main character. If you were you, reading the novel about your life, would you be encouraging the character to do what you're doing, or would you dare them to do something else?
Personally, I would be bored to tears if my character did what I naturally want to do: stay inside, read books, play video games. But we have to look beyond what we naturally want to do. We have to look at what we truly desire. What scares us a bit, what makes for a good story. Because whether we get to tell the story or not, it's something to experience, it's something to shape us. There are so many opportunities, it just takes putting ourselves out there and trying something new, something scary.
I don't want to be old and realize all of my hopes and dreams were never realized. I want to have lived so much that when I'm old I feel accomplished and tired. I want to experience everything the world has to offer. I want to live a life worth reading about.
If you're curious to know my goals, let me share some with you:
-to take care of the planet
-to take care of the poor, hurt, dying
-to love and take care of my friends and family
-to thirst after righteousness ("the way it should be"ness)
-to grow in my knowledge of people, places and ideas
-to earn my degree in photography, marine biology
-to go to seminary
-to work at a movie studio
-to own my own store
-to get married
-to love being outside
-to hike and explore
-to canoe and kayak
-to rock climb
-to have children
-to be happy
-to be adventurous
-to be excited for each new day, and savor the one I'm in
-to appreciate beauty
This isn't some bucket list that I'm making when death seems imminent, this is way to live my whole life from start to finish.

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