Home, Church, Sundays

Today is two parts of the same reality:
Today is my third Sunday away from Bull Street Baptist Church;
Today is my third Sunday at a different church.
Different from last week.
Different from the week before.
Different from home.

Different and it is difficult, but I will not despair. I will not despair because Christ is victorious over sin and death. I will not despair because God is good, His plans are perfect and He is sovereign over all.  I know He has plans for me, and I aim to walk in His light and His truth.

I do miss Bull Street, but if I fail to find a church, if I fail to connect with brothers and sisters through membership at a local body here, I've failed to understand what church is. I've missed the point of what I've been learning at Bull Street.

Church isn't a Sunday morning service where the pastors do everything according to my preference. Church isn't just singing songs together. Church isn't just the message being preached. But church, in the local expression of a congregation, is a place for believers to come together and worship and exalt the name of the Lord. It's a place for us to commit in membership, to bear one another's burdens and to spur one another on towards sharing the Gospel, putting off sin and giving all honor, praise and Glory to God.

I long to find a church home here. Somewhere that I can serve. Somewhere that I can be encouraged by the Word to repent, turn towards Jesus, walk in His truth and share the Gospel. Somewhere that I can come together with local believers and sing praises to the One worthy of all praise.

I've worshipped with some wonderful congregations, and am hoping to find a new home soon. I've given myself two more weeks to visit churches and then I'm going to make a decision. I cannot keep hopping around forever. A month and a half feels far too long to be without a home.  Please pray that the Lord would guide me, that I would bow to His will instead of nitpicking each church model or service until there's nothing good left.

God is faithful. I hold tightly to that truth. In the meantime, please pray that I do not use not having a church home as an excuse to not do ministry (English teachers, sorry for that triple negative). Pray that I would not be lazy, that I would submit to the Lord, work diligently to honor His name in word and deed. That I would go and share the Gospel.

I've talked with one of my new friends about going to the mall and sharing the Gospel with internationals at the mall kiosks.  Please pray for us as we go into the mall to share the Good News! Pray that we would actually have the boldness to do so. Pray that we would see people come to Christ. Pray that our hearts would be stirred for these people.

Please also be praying for Sarah.  Sarah has now been away from Bull Street for a month. She has visited a few churches and is searching out the right home. Pray also for her ministry with Scarlet Hope in Louisville, working with women leaving the sex industry.  One of the residents of the home gave her life to Christ today! Praise Jesus for His goodness, mercy and faithfulness! Please pray that Sarah and the other staff would disciple her and care for her that she would grow in faith and understanding, wisdom, knowledge and most of all in love. Pray that she would find healing in His arms.

Colossians 1:9-14, ESV
"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy,giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

In all the love I have in Christ Jesus who provides abundantly more than we could ask or seek,

