A New Beginning

So, August 10th I made the big move to Wake Forest, NC.  I was in the company of some of my dearest friends and we moved more than too much furniture and stuff into my apartment, and then hit the beach at Top Sail. 

A week later, the stuff has slowly found its way into various homes, nooks and crannies.  I am here. I’m in Wake Forest. And I just finished my orientation to Southeastern.

Praise God for His faithfulness! This has been a long time coming.  I can think back to my senior year of high school talking with Mr. Blake, my government teacher and the sponsor for the Debate team (I know you’re shocked to know that I was on debate team).  Mr. Blake was earning his Masters of Divinity degree and I had no idea what it was.  As soon as he explained the degree and what he was studying, I was convinced that at some point and at some time I would be getting that degree.

Who knew it would be so soon? The Lord.  He did, and He began laying out my steps to lead me to this place, at this time. 

So here I am. Excited, a bit freaked out and also burdened.  As I begin my degree program, there’s a lot ahead of me.  But I do not walk in it alone, the Lord is with me and it is by His strength and His power that I will accomplish all I have to do.

While I was in Top Sail resting and enjoying some time with some of my dearest friends we were blessed by the Lord’s creation.  During the day, we soaked in the sun and enjoyed the refreshment of the ocean.  The last evening we were there, we went out and looked up at the stars, the sky was so clear you could see the Milky Way and it was absolutely brilliant.  We looked until our necks hurt and in our amazement we praised God! Anyone who looks at a night sky away from light pollution stands in awe at the sheer number and brilliance of the stars and that should drive us to praise the Creator! 

So we sang.  We praised God.  And this evening, as we sang in chapel on campus, I was transported back to the beach, standing in awe of all the Lord has done. He has orchestrated everything and we were made to praise Him and to see His brilliance whether it is in Creation or in the way He makes all things work according to His purposes in the midst of our lives. He is sovereign over all the earth.

Please pray that I hold tightly to that awe and that knowledge of God’s sovereignty.  I’m faced with the difficult task (though I know I’m blessed and privileged) of finding a new home church.  Please pray with me that the Lord would direct my steps to the community of believers He has for me.

I’m truly struggling to seek out a church.  It is my great desire to be united to a body of believers as soon as possible, and the thought of going to church week after week and not finding a home is exhausting, discouraging and frightening.  So please pray that I would grow in faith, that I would trust the Lord to bring me to exactly where I need to be, when I need to be there. 

Today I attended a church where the teaching was sound, encouraging, and challenging.  The music was theologically rich and the people were kind and welcoming! It wasn't perfect, but it was an encouragement to a discouraged soul.  Whether or not this community becomes my new home, it was a refreshment to my soul.

I am so blessed already with some friends who live in the apartment complex that I do.  Tonight we are meeting to watch a movie and to pray for the new semester and this new season God has called us to! 

In the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
