Being Alone Some More

I don't want to talk about being alone and loneliness to the point that you think I am lonely all the time. I am not. Most times I am quite satisfied with sitting alone in my room, getting things done, going to lunch by myself, etc. I can exist in each day, alone, quite well, in fact.

But, that being said, I recently had a conversation with my friend about what we truly want from life. If we could do anything, with no one telling us otherwise, what would we do?

I have a lot of things I would like to do, but looking forward to adulthood (yes, I know, I've already started that) I want to be a wife, and a mother. I want to live in a bizarre house (with hub caps and glass bottles hanging from the trees). That's what I want to do with my life. I want to take care of a family. I want to minister to other women, and be able to encourage them in the word, in their faith and in venturing out on radical adventures.

I know that the Lord did not put the desire on my heart for a family, if it was not what he was calling me to. So often I feel that God's desire MUST be contradictory to my own. Instead of philosophizing and trying to work through it with my brain--which, I don't want to deny, is an important part of my existence--I want to trust that the Spirit will lead me.

Anyhow, I find great encouragement in the words of other people, and though I've posted one of the videos before, I want to repost it:
