Something hit me that has never occurred to me before. I was thinking about the last supper. I've always viewed it from the disciples' stand point. I viewed it as no big deal until
Jesus brings up the betrayal thing, and then breaks bread and shares the wine.
Tonight for the first time, I thought of it differently. I was thinking, if Jesus knew this was the last night he was going to have with those he loved most, what he wanted to do was celebrate the grace of God with his friends.
By having a meal together.
It's so simple.
At meal times we come together and share our lives and it's a beautiful thing. The world is at the dinner table waiting for us to be there too. I just thought it was really beautiful. It made me think of the movie Signs. Say what you will about it, but this is the part I really love. The family thinks that this might be their last night together, and so they come together and have a meal. Mind you, there's a complete denial of God at this point, but He's the comfort the family needs and the father denies.
I really would like it, I think, if I knew when my last night would be and I could have a dinner with all the people I loved. It would take a great banquet hall, I think. And really anyone could come. Those dearest to me, complete strangers, really anyone. All to eat food and thank God for the life I've lived to that point.
The last supper. With everyone. Thanking God for His grace and goodness.
Yeah, I'd like that.

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