Day 9 | The Little Things

Today I am very tired. It was a busy weekend and a busy day. So, instead of doing a long post, I'm just going to say some small things that I am thankful for:

1. My car, Finn. Finn gets me everywhere and this morning we drove from Savannah to Raleigh. Finn is well-loved and is currently missing 3 hubcaps, is in need of a wash, an oil change and a new headlight. We've clocked more than 2,000 miles this month.

2. Moes. I am so thankful for Moe's in Wakefield and the wonderful staff. I eat there more often than I like to admit, but it's cheap and filling and easy and really not that bad for me.

3. Coffee.

4. Long drives. They are good for thinking through all the things I never have time to process, for time to listen to sermons, to pray and to sing.

These are the things I am thankful for today. Oh, and sleep. Sleep is good. I am so thankful for that sweet time of rest.
