Day 13 | America is Not Forever

I was in the middle of writing a really angry, frustrated blog post questioning the sanity of my fellow Americans, but didn't see it as prudent or helpful. I'm shocked and concerned deeply with the way things are happening in America. I truly am deeply concerned by our government, our culture and the future.

And I can take no comfort that America will go in the way that I would desire, but what I have found comfort in, and what I am trying to still my spirit in tonight is this:

God is sitting on His throne and none of this surprises Him. In fact, He is allowing everything to happen that is. America is not the promised land. Nations of this age will rise and fall.

"For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations." - Psalm 22:28
"The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens!" - Psalm 113:4
"The Lord is king forever and ever; the nations perish from his land." -Psalm 10:16
 "God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne." -Psalm 47:8
God is in complete control. I can take comfort in that because I know He is good. I know He has a plan to unite all things to Himself. I know that He loved with such great love, that He sent Christ to die for us.

So, despite finding no confidence in this country, I have great confidence that God is in control and is using everything to accomplish His plans and purposes in the world. All of these things will one day pass away, but His rule and reign will never end. His word will never pass away.

That is my great hope! The one is who making all things new will never fail.

I hope you can know Christ and not fear, but trust that He is working together all things for the good of those who love Him. We must take every opportunity to share the truth with love and compassion. It's clear that America, and the world is hurting and in desperate need of answers that no government can provide, but only Christ.

I am thankful today for the perfect rule and reign of Jesus.


  1. This is so helpful. It's something I have to remind myself almost daily because the world is so screwed up and it is so easy to feel helpless or overwhelmed by the darkness.
    Thank you for writing this, friend!

    1. I'm glad I could be an encouragement! :) Miss you friend!


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