Seminary Update

Hello, how are you? How's it going?

It's easier to update when you're on the field, when each day feels urgent.  When there's this sense of ending and brevity.

Years don't feel brief. And so, I find myself here in North Carolina, knowing I'll be here for probably the next three years. It's hard to feel that time is short, and therefore, I've been very bad at keeping people updated.

So, here it goes!

Classes are going really well. I'm learning, and looking forward to really diving into more content. In my New Testament class and my hermeneutics class, we're still laying the groundwork for the topics ahead, which is good. It's important to have a framework with which to handle information.  So, it's beneficial, but not necessarily enthralling. Sort of like getting enough fiber in your diet.

Anyway, I'm enjoying my professors, and finally talking to my classmates.  I typically don't talk to people in my classes at first, I like to observe before I jump in.

Well, this is a bit of a doozy. I said a few weeks ago that this last weekend would be my last church to visit. And, I'm going against what I've said in the interest of finding the best fit. I won't keep bouncing to new churches over and over again, but have narrowed it down.

Right now, my decision is in between three churches:
Imago Dei (I visited this on my second week)
Open Door (where I'm visiting this Sunday)
Restoration RDU (A brand new church plant in Wake Forest)

My goal and my desire and my hope is to find a church home whose heart the Gospel (and nothing else). I've visited a lot of churches that love the word, they love the city and they love missions. But often I've heard the sentence: "____________ is the heart of our church."
It's been filled in with:
-small groups
-the city
and more.

But the heart of the church isn't or shouldn't be any of those things. The heart of the church is the Gospel. And from an understanding of the Gospel, of the Scriptures, drives those things. It drives us to love gathering together, investing in one another, building each other up in the Word. It drives us to go to the Nations and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It drives us to love our city and to see it transformed by the Gospel!

When the heart and vision of the Church is a love of Jesus, driven by the truth of the Gospel, that's the sweet spot. It keeps us humble, it keeps our eyes on Jesus instead of trying to do the work without Him. And when a congregation is focused on the Gospel, the Word is preached every Sunday as vital to the heart of the Church. Abiding in the Word is the lifeblood of the church and each of its members.

So, I'm seeking out a congregation that holds fast to this. Even if their church model isn't perfect (whatever that means). I've seen a lot of different ways to do church, to do a Sunday morning service, to unite the Body when the body is too big to fit in one place, one space at one time, to do small groups and bible studies and Sunday school. There are a lot of ways to do all these things, and I see many of these things being driven purely by practicality rather than the Gospel, or an understanding of a biblical covenant community.

I want to be a part of a congregation that is driven by the Gospel, understands the importance and weight of membership and has a desire to reach all people with the Gospel and is humbled by the fact that God is working through us and that we are not doing this on our own.

This is my desire and my hope.  Please continue to pray for me as I seek this out. I know the Lord is faithful and will provide a church home for me to grow in grace and serve in His love and truth.

Returning Home

Next week, I'll be returning home to Savannah for several days to do a report with my team about our trip to the Philippines.

Please pray that Bull Street would be encouraged by the work that God did. Please pray for my team, that our testimonies of God's grace would bring Him glory and honor and praise, and not ourselves.  Please pray that we would continue to be bold to share the Gospel where we are.

Glasses and Reading

Also, as you've probably assumed, I've been reading a whole bunch, and I don't have an updated prescription. This means on the days I do homework, I have a dull aching headache the entire day.

Get this figured out soon. I've got an appointment next week on Tuesday to get an updated prescription. I'll hopefully have my new glasses before the end of September.


Last Saturday, I found myself crammed in a car with one of my girlfriends, and three guys whom I hadn't met, driving to the NC State Campus. We all only vaguely knew that whatever we were going to had to do with meeting internationals and sharing the Gospel.

What we didn't know was that we had signed up for a commitment, and in the best way.  When we arrived, we found out that at NC State every Saturday is called "Saturday International Together."  And this last Saturday, SIT had us bringing school care packages to internationals.  Catie and I went to deliver care packages and went away with 5 new friends!  We made friends with 5 girls from India.

Most Saturdays (and probably some days during the week), Catie and I will be heading down into Raleigh to build our friendships with these wonderful girls.  All but one, have just arrived to the states and it's their first time out of India. They are all one month into grad school and getting adjusted to living in a new place.

Please be praying for these girls. Pray for their studies and homework.  Pray for our friendships that we would be able to encourage one another.  Pray that Catie and I would be bold to share the Gospel.  Pray that the girls hearts would be softened to the Good News, that they might come to faith.

In the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ,

